ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - Not so Intelligent...!!!

We all are living in a technology-driven world. Technological changes are taking place within seconds and upgradation is being done in order to raise our standard of living. Research and Development have grown manifolds in the last decade or so which leads to the invention of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. It is hidden with no one that machines are going to dominate the mankind in the upcoming future. The stage is set and many of the fast-growing nations are getting themselves used to with such trend.

Image result for artificial intelligence not intelligent

Robots are getting citizenship, Machines in the organizations are eliminating the human workforce. Now we don’t even need to drive ourselves. For that, we have self-driving cars. Now we don’t need to move from our couch to the electrical plug to switch on the lights of our homes. Google has already invented a device to do that task for us. You just need to make your home smart for that. Pollution has nothing to do for us today because we are having machines and intelligent robots made for the sole purpose of purifying our home interiors so that we can breathe in the pure and clean air also known as BOTS. And this is just a beginning. Artificial intelligence has no limit to growth. It has endless opportunities for everyone. You can do everything when having artificial intelligence in your access. You can detect diseases like Cancer at the earliest stage of occurrence easily. Marketers can use this Artificial Intelligence to gain enhance their market shares and to increase the level of customer satisfaction. In one simple statement, Artificial Intelligence is ruling the world. Today it is available at our fingertips in the form of a Smartphone. Smartphones have become a second earth that can fit into our pockets.

But, we get the chance to listen to the various problems created by this intelligence day by day such as -
  • Self-driven cars are getting crashed while running. Tesla Motors – World’s leading self-driven car manufacturer still after at least 10 years is not able to solve this problem.
  • Amazon has started to use DRONE to deliver the products to their customers, but still, it is in the development phase. Sometimes it faces problems to track the exact location and drones also get out of the navigation most of the times.

Recently I saw a video in which a robot is being used as a weapon to target an Individual. Robots will do exactly what you order them to do so. They cannot think on their own as they are still in the development phase and researchers and developers are working on it. This is where this technology gets dangerous. For sure it is going to replace the human workforce in the business organizations. Unemployment will also going to increase to a good extent but will open opportunities in new avenues.

The world will witness flying cars as well as flying citizens. This Artificial Intelligence can prove to be very beneficial for gaining strength in the defense area. Poor nations might face difficulty in acquiring this upgraded technology, as it is very expensive and requires a huge investment. Trust is still missing as we cannot rely on these machines and robots because again, they cannot take any action on their own without the aid of a human.

Throughout this whole article, I have tried to maintain a balance between by mixed feelings about the Artificial Intelligence. I believe that this intelligence must be adopted by everyone in some form for another, but must be used for the positive development of the world.

In the end, I would also like to know what you think about Artificial Intelligence.
Give answers in the comment box.

Thanks & Regards

Sahil Jain


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